The Waiting Pool is a way to keep track of all the topics that someone has suggested we talk about. We use it before, during, and after each meeting.

What do we need?

  • Time
  • Gathering space
  • A way to take and share notes with the group
  • Waiting Pool
  • Agenda Pool

Who do we need?

  • Facilitator – The Facilitator helps the group follow the steps in order.
  • Recorder – The Recorder takes notes and shares them, as needed.
  • Participants – The Participants review each topic in the Waiting Pool. Then, they decide if we have what we need to talk about it.
  • Advocates – The Advocates suggest topics to add to the Waiting Pool.

How do we do it?

Before we gather –

  1. Advocates can suggest a new topic at any time. When suggesting a topic, the Advocate includes the purpose of talking about it. The Recorder adds all topics to the Waiting Pool.

While we meet –

  1. At the start of each meeting, the Facilitator shares all topics in the Waiting Pool. Advocates can suggest new topics and the purpose of talking about them. The Recorder adds new topics to the Waiting Pool.
  2. Participants talk about what we need to achieve the purpose of each topic. If we have everything we need, the Recorder adds the topic to the Agenda Pool. If we do not have everything we need, the Recorder returns the topic to the Waiting Pool.
  3. Advocates can suggest new topics at any time during the meeting. When suggesting a topic, the Advocate includes the purpose of talking about it. The Recorder adds all topics to the Waiting Pool.
  4. At the end of the meeting, Advocates suggest topics for our next meeting. When suggesting a new topic, the Advocate includes the purpose of talking about it. Participants talk about what we would need to achieve the purpose of each topic. The Recorder adds all topics to the Waiting Pool.

After we meet –

  1. Advocates can suggest a new topic at any time. When suggesting a topic, the Advocate includes the purpose of talking about it. The Recorder adds all topics to the Waiting Pool.