Informal Consensus is a way to make sure no one objects to a decision. We use it to make day-to-day decisions that don’t need Formal Consensus.

What do we need?

  • Time
  • Gathering space
  • A way to take and share notes with the group
  • A proposal

Who do we need?

  • Facilitator – The Facilitator helps the group follow the steps in order.
  • Recorder – The Recorder takes notes and shares them, as needed.
  • Participants – The Participants make the decision.
  • Advocate – The Advocate proposes an action that the group needs to decide on.

How do we do it?

  1. The Advocate proposes an action that the group needs to decide on.
  2. The Participants ask questions so they can understand the proposal. They do not make any changes to the proposal.
  3. The Facilitator confirms that all Participants understand the proposal.
  4. The Facilitator asks if any Participants object to the proposal.
  5. If no Participant objects:
    1. The Participants make a plan to put the proposal in place and carry it out.
  6. If any Participant objects:
    1. The Facilitator begins Formal Consensus.

Learn more

The Decider – “Consent Decision Making”

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